Chapter 12
My Spiritual Experiences
Personal Expressions And Manifestations
Of The
Qualities Of God
Part II
The Man Who Saw God Face To Face
Raphael Okechukwu Nweze
Praise God!
My Father Is Love - My Personal Expression And Manifestation As Christ 1
In spirit, I traveled to a far place by flying. I arrived at a church… When they recognized me, they brought out their seats from inside the church to the outside, to the place where I was. They arranged the seats for worship with me.
I sang a song for them. The songs says,
My Father is love.
My Father is love.
My Father is love.
Myself, I am love.
I sang the song twice.
Next, I saw three persons quarreling over a case. One of them, a man, beat another and pushed him to the ground. Then, he brought out his tongue and licked the back of the person on the ground (witchcraft). Immediately this happened, my spirit became disappointed and dismayed. At once, I left the church because they worship God, but do not love one another. I ran and flew away from them.
From a height, I had to land at the foot of a tree by the road side. A truck was speeding on the road. I thought that the vehicle would hit me. But then, I discovered that I have expert control over my flight. I quietly and expertly maneuvered my great speed and swift flight.
To fly away, all you need to do is spread out your hands, and the speed will be lightening speed, even instantaneous coverage of great distance at the speed of light. To control speed or change direction, just do one thing or the other.
Next, I was flying along a road. Several people were going in one direction or the other. To one person, I said, “Pray with Psalm 23 for 7 days.” To another I said, “Pray with Psalm 27 for 3 days.”
At a stage, I had to fly backwards at a very great speed. I came to a girl, who was very sick. I held her two hands and completely healed her of fever. However, she was very faint. Therefore, I told the people around her to give her food to eat and allow her to sleep.
I knew I was in spirit. Before, I would become afraid of dying from there. But this time, I was not afraid. Instead, I was happy and I said, “God is in control, and therefore, nothing bad or death will take place.”
I visited other places, performing one duty or the other as God’s will directed me. Usually, you may not know before hand where you are going to or why you are going to the place. But on arrival, and after performing whatever God wants you to do, you will know that God is both caring and trustworthy, and the whole exercise worthwhile.
Throughout the encounter, my spirit was Christ.
I came to glorify the Father.
He is Love, Loving and Beloved.
Once, again, I say, "Follow Jesus."
“Lord, I Will Follow You.- My Personal Expression And Manifestation As Christ 2”
In spirit, I went into a compound and then to a house. I went there in the spirit of Christ. The place was a prison. I met people there. When I was about to leave, one man came to me and said, “I want to go with you.”
“You will not be able to go with me,” I said to him.
“Surely, I want to go with you,” he insisted.
“Did you do those things you supposed to do?” I inquired from him.
“I did,” he replied.
“If you did,” I assured him, “you will be able to go with me. But if you did not do so, you will not be able to go with me.”
After saying this, I turned to go. At the gate, while I was leaving, I did not see that man follow me out.
So it is. Your salvation is confirmed by your obedience to the word of God. That is why Jesus said, “It is the word that will judge you.”
The Lord Of The Hosts
I was at an Igbo community. Suddenly, the place was surrounded by Hausa soldiers, who were heavily armed. They came to take away babies by force. Everybody was sore afraid of them, and it was not possible to run away. Already, they had taken some babies away. They took away another four babies. I became angry, and declared, “As a Divine Minister, I declare that the soldiers must surely die!”
At the night of the same day, in the same dream, I was at a battlefield, and a terrible war was raging on. And the Spirit was in me. Arrows or spears were flying in all directions. I felt the pinch of the arrows or spears as they struck my body or passed through me. Though they hit or passed through me, I was not wounded. People were falling down dead, here and there. It was a fierce battle. And there was no place to run to hide or run to for safety.
All of a sudden, with God in me as the Mighty in Battle, I raised my two hands and turned right round and commanded, “All the enemies should fight themselves to death!” and they immediately fought and killed themselves.
Next, I summoned all soldiers present at the battlefield. All soldiers started coming to me. I saw a man wearing black garment in the midst of two soldiers. I called a soldier and sent him to go and kill the man in black. He went to the man, pretended to be talking to him, and thrust a sword through the man’s body.
Next, I summoned all the Igbo people to my side. They came to me. Then I ordered, “All of you shall pass before me. Anyone who is a saboteur will surely die!” They gathered in front of me, to pass by me one after another, and I woke up. Indeed, it was a fierce battle. And the Lord was all through mighty, able and victorious. Truly, the Almighty is the Lord of the Hosts.
The Atmosphere Is A Vast Spiritual Environment, For Rejoicing And Skipping About
...Members of secret society were moving in procession. I crossed their line of procession to get to the other side. As I crossed the line of procession, I saw and felt the spiritual field that binds them into one group. The field was really very strong, and appeared to be as long as their line of procession. They became offended, because I crossed their line of procession, and they started pursuing me. I ran as fast as I could. They hotly pursued me. I ran to a space above a roof top, and there was no other place to run to for safety. I had to jump down over the roof. My intention was to fall over the roof to the ground.
I was wearing a white flowing garment, sutan.
After I jumped, to fall over the roof, I discovered that I was in the sky, in the clouds, and that the horizontal distance to fall over was really very long, over 200 meters in distance. I was already falling down from the sky. As I was falling down, I was praising Jesus with joyfulness and gladness of heart.
An Angel was with me. Twice, and in love, he placed his right hand in my left hand to re-assure me that he was with me. The flight was delightful, indeed.
I looked at the ground. The football fields on the ground appeared each like a bed of 6ft by 2½ ft. I fell from the sky, flying over the long distance. It was a great bliss.
I landed at a junction. I saw mobile police men, who were the enemies, waiting to catch me. As I landed on the road, two of them moved with outstretched hands to arrest me. But then, I just disappeared from their midst, returned to my body inside the house, entered my body and woke up.
I remember the other day. I was in the air, tumbling at a very high frequency (cycles per second), and at the same time moving forward at a great speed. I was so full of joyfulness and gladness that I was shouting, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.”
David said it clearly,
9 Because you have made the LORD, who is my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
10 No evil shall befall you,
Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
11 For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.
12 In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.
13 You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra,
The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.
Psalms 91:9-13
My Personal Encounter With God As The Breathe Of Life
As a gentle breeze, I moved through a pathway, into a very big space like a football field. Everywhere in the spacious field, and over and above it, in the atmosphere, was full of air that was cloudy white in colour. The wind was blowing on every side, everywhere, like a gentle and harmless tempest.
I, as a breeze, came to the place, and I became one with great and spacious swift wind that was Gentle. It was as if a river would flow into the mighty ocean, to become one with the ocean. While I looked on, the winds of the air were beating on the walls and trees, the way waves rise and flow to the sea shores, like a gentle and swift tempest.
As a gentle and swift breeze, I hit on the wall and bounced back. The impact was harmless and delightful. The wind knows no pains or suffering.
And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart, And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light. Matt 17:1,2
The Spiritual Eye
One day, my spiritual eye was opened. It was as if I had no physical eyes. I touched my physical eyes to find out whether they were actually open. I discovered that my physical eyes were closed, like those of a sleeping person. Yet, I saw wide and clear like the person whose eyes were wide open. I marveled at this great work of God, who gave man spiritual eye to see both visible and invisible things.
This encounter reminds of the day that I saw the sun. It was very big in size, and shining brightly, as pure white light. It was about 100 times the earth’s sun in size. It was pure white and mighty in size.
This is God’s love. Time is coming, and now is the time, when it shall become manifest and I shall be able to give God’s messages to the world. Then, all prophetic modes – dream, vision, trance, oracle, inspiration, etc – shall be as one and functional. Like the broad daylight, seeing both the visible and the invisible.
Speaking Winds
When the wind blows, the leaves sway in resonance. You see this and say that “the wind is blowing.” Unknown to many, the swaying leaves are speaking to you. Giving you the messages brought by the winds. Many hear the messages but cannot interpret them. Others see the swaying leaves and cannot read the messages. Therefore, they overlook the messages.
Nature is full of wonders. Therefore, become spiritual and enjoy the wonders of nature, which are God’s love for His children.
Roving About In Spirit
Before, when I move out in spirit, I tend to move straight, without turning to the right or to the left. It is no longer so. Now, when I move in spirit, I do turn to various directions or places as may be necessary.
Just recently, I went to a city in spirit. I moved from place to place. I was roving over the city. I moved clockwise. Then, I moved anti-clockwise. Roving about here and there.
I was freely moving inside the city, form place to place. I was moving in the air. My feet were not touching the ground. It was such a delightful experience that when I re-entered my body and woke up, I wanted to the experience to continue. What a bliss!
Leaves As Screens
In spirit, I was inside an environment. There were leaves on the plants, and the leaves were video screens. The leaf screens were showing video display of happenings in the heavens or in different places on earth. Each leaf was a screen showing a different thing, just as you would have so many television sets and each television showing a different station.
I went up a tree among the leaves and I saw Jesus and God Almighty. I placed my hand round Jesus’ shoulder. I was welcomed.
As Michael
Michael was in me and I was Michael - Michael and I as one man. I visited several places in the neighbourhood, both far and near places. I moved about in the clouds, from place to place, seeing the clouds in their various formations.
I saw a man sailing a boat (a small ship) in the clouds. He came from the north, and turned right to the west, as his routine movement was.
I met a university lecturer teaching student in a bad (dangerous) location. He was a man but by the time I joined in the class, the environment became a good one and the lecturer was a woman.
Next, I saw lions, in the neighbourhood, and warned the woman to run for her dear life.
Then, I used a very long sword to strike down a lion several times. Blood was oozing out its head.
The spirit in me was Michael. My self was Michael. I moved about freely, as a child would move about, freely, in his father’s farm land.
Also, I met several evil spirits, charms or black energies. Each would loose it self and flee away, with out my fighting it, and without my casting it away. My presence made them powerless and be gone.
I came close to a sick person lying down on bed. Soon, he became well and free.
Only the presence of the holy ones casts out evil spirit and demons, and heals (vanishes) sickness. That is God’s love and power for His children.
There is nothing to fear in the entire universe. Only live a good life and avoid hell.
Motion At Will
You can fly backwards or sideways in spirit. I visited several places. I came to a group doing prayer. They were singing and praising God.
At the end of the visits, I had to fly backwards, over a very long distance. I flew backwards, effortlessly.
God is great.
He is wonderful and good.
Perfect in all his ways.
Praise him.
I rejoiced and praised God for His glorious and perfect works.
In The Glorious Footstep Of Jesus Christ
I, as Jesus, was moving from place to place in a neighbourhood. I was holding a staff in my right hand. The staff was a staff of Jesus. It was a tender staff.
In my left hand were new palm fronds (‘Omu,’ in Igbo language). I tried to count the palm fronds. They were 14 and more in number. I looked at the palm fronds, and each was a pair of palm fronds. Then I looked at the pairs, and each pair was a pair of a pair.
I continued to count the palm fronds, and the same thing was repeating.
Next, I saw a lady who was bent over (double), even coiled up in pain. I asked what her trouble was. I offered to help her. Immediately I offered to help her, she stood upright with her hands and legs spread out for me to carry her. This happened about two or three times.
The Bright And Glorious Morning Star
In spirit, I looked up to the sky, and saw a sun and a dark world. The two looked as if eclipse was
happening. Yet, it was real. The sun was very big and brighter than the earth’s sun. Its light was
bright white light. I heard a voice that said, “The Father is not the sun. But whoever that wants
to get to the Father, must approach the sun, become the sun and pass through the sun.”
Next, I was inside the sun. I saw my Father (God Almighty) approach the sun. He came into the sun,
became the sun and passed through the sun to greater heights.
Next, I became the sun and its ambient (surrounding) light, and the dark world was within the
ambient light of myself. I looked at the earth, and it was full of darkness.
Overwhelming Victory From The Lord
In spirit, I entered a very big building. Some parts of it were partitions, and a major section was an open space. The building was of rectangular shape. On the southern side of it, all along and over the wall was a mirror, a mirror wall.
As I entered the hall, two persons were inside the building. They knew that a spirit had entered the building, and the senior one told his subordinate to go to the mirror and monitor me. I followed the junior one to the mirror. As we approached the mirror and while we stood in front of the mirror, the junior one looked into the mirror to see me, but he could not see me. I was standing beside him at the mirror, but he could not see me. I was seeing him, but myself was invisible. He could not see me. After a while, he turned and started moving back to the senior one.
I passed through the mirror wall, went outside, and turned left, moving by the side of the building. I looked into the building, through the openings in the fancy blocks and saw the face of the junior one.
At the northern end of the building, I turned left and entered the building again. For a second time, they knew that I was inside the building. They looked on to see me, but could not see me. To show that I was actually present, I quickly gave the shelves a shake. They made such a noise that frightened them and they hurried out of the building.
How God Clears Way For His People
In spirit, I left the body and flew in the directions as the Holy Spirit directed me. I was travelling through forests. It was a very long distance. Sometimes, I passed along pathways that were overgrown with grasses. The most interesting thing about the whole exercise was that consuming fire followed me on the ground wherever I went or turned. It was burning the grasses along the way.
At last, I looked behind and saw that all the route I followed, which were before bush or forest, have become a long winding road for people and vehicles to move along. Soon, a man was driving his truck along the way. And I said, “Has this man asked himself how this main road came about?”So it is that many a times, people enjoy what God has provided for them out of love, without showing gratitude to the Most High. The worst sets of people are those who are greedy or plotting against others, while enjoying the free bounties of the Lord.
Later, I travelled away from the newly formed road and arrived at Asaba in Nigeria. I came out to the road and soon was in the environment of the Nigerian Army. The walls in the environment were painted the colour of Asaba township buses, blue and white. I saw some molded images, such as were mounted in military stations or headquarters.
In The Omniscience And Omnipresence Of The Father
In spirit, Jesus was singing, and all the true churches in the world were responding at the same time. I was hearing the singing of every church all over the world – all at the same time. I could hear all the churches all over the world singing praises to God. All at the same time. Each church was heard separate, loud and clear – all at the same time, without any interference, or jamming of voices, from the other churches. The singing was melodious and full of harmony.
Moreover, I could visit any of the churches at will, with effortless ease. If I decided to be in Church A, then and immediately, I was in their midst. If I chose to visit Church B, then and immediately, I was in Church B. I could move around the world, and visit any intended place the way an insects flies about a tree, perching here and there, and now and then.
It was a pleasant experience. Very easy and enjoyable.
And the world stood before me, rotating round, in space. It was a very mighty ball of world.
And the world stood before me,
rotating round, in space.
It was a very mighty ball of world.
God is a Wonder.
His ways are Wonderful,
and Himself is the Wonder of All Wonders.
Myself As Jesus Crucified, As Kings And As Lord Of Lords
In spirit, some people were praying and singing. Their song was so good that it attracted me to the scene. I appeared at the altar, before them. More people were coming in to join in the prayer. A black woman was disparately in need of deliverance.
I asked for holy water.
Next, Jesus took over. He commanded the problems of various families to the center of prayer. The problems appeared in the form of all kinds of scraps. Useless properties, scraps, lined up and piled up along the boundary of the premises like a compound wall. I sprayed holy water on the congregation, and then, on the scraps round the compound. The scraps, including big clay pots, were cracking and melting down.
Next, I spread out my land and turned round. Then, I flew in the air as Jesus Christ. While I was doing so, I was also hanging on the cross, with the crown of thrown on my head, all as Jesus Christ. I was thanking God for all His goodness and mercies to humanity. I was Jesus on the cross, and I was saying, “I am Jesus crucified, ... the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. The experience was glorious in expression, majestic in authority, and as real as Truth.
I flew in the air, all the while. Eventually, I turned round and became completely enfolded into and as an ordinary person, - the way a full grown bird would enfold itself into an ordinary egg. God became the ordinary man. It is the duty of everyone to make the Christ in him manifest. The Bible demands this simple but glorious truth several times:
14 "You are the light of the world (just as Jesus is the light of the world). A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men (let the Christ in you become manifest), that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:14-16
19 And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts;
2 Peter 1:19
“… Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
Colossians 1:27
While I was returning to my ordinary self, I met a hen with 3 chicken and other chicken. Soon afterwards, I met another hen with chicken. They saw me and understand who and what I was. Therefore, they followed me about. Though I was hovering in the air, they were able to follow me wherever I went, the way a bird’s shadow follows underneath a flying bird. Whether I was in the bush, farm or over the pathways, they instantly followed me about.
“Glory be to the Father, who was, who is and who shall ever be. He has made all things good and has exalted everyone. Everlasting glory be to His holy name, in all perfection.” Amen.
As Jesus The Messiah
In spirit, people were in a line up. I was pouring on their hands the blood of Jesus, for each of them to wash away all the sins he committed in his present lifetime and previous. As I did so, I moved closer to the gate. By the time I got to the gate of heaven, myself was Jesus still doing the same thing.
Therefore, I say to the world:
Use the blood of Jesus to wash away all your sins.
Lest you be caught in the trap of everlasting doom.
Even the worst sinner is free to use the blood
to set himself free from eternal damnation.
Enter the gate of life, while it is still open.
For nightfall is coming,
When the gate shall be closed,
And never to be accessible to all those who are disobedient.
Prophet Isaiah has said the same thing before,
But the world has not understood what he said:
1 "Ho! Everyone who thirsts,
Come to the waters;
And you who have no money,
Come, buy and eat.
Yes, come, buy wine and milk
Without money and without price.
2 Why do you spend money for what is not bread,
And your wages for what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good,
And let your soul delight itself in abundance.
3 Incline your ear, and come to Me.
Hear, and your soul shall live;
And I will make an everlasting covenant with you —
The sure mercies of David.
Isaiah 55:1-3
4 Indeed, I have given him as a witness to the people,
A leader and commander for the people.
5 Surely you shall call a nation you do not know,
And nations who do not know you shall run to you,
Because of the LORD your God,
And the Holy One of Israel;
For He has glorified you."
Isaiah 55:4,5
6 Seek the LORD while He may be found,
Call upon Him while He is near.
7 Let the wicked forsake his way,
And the unrighteous man his thoughts;
Let him return to the LORD,
And He will have mercy on him;
And to our God,
For He will abundantly pardon.
Isaiah 55:6-7